Friday, July 20, 2007

Who Am I?

The more I think about you

The harder it is for me to get to you.

NOTE: For those of you who don't really understand what this is... Its a riddle... You folks who read this need to guess the answer!!! So keep your guesses coming in.... As far as I know there are one or two answera.... Perhaps a few more floating around... Guess away folks!!!

Blogroll Me!


Vinod Ramamoorthy said...

Time ? :P

Jeevan said...

Can't understood!

Jolikum Salangai said...

vinod: yep time is probably the best answer.... there are also many tangents that you can go on to answer this question...all depends on the reasoning...thot it was an interesting one so i posted it up!

jeevan: its a riddle...and usually ppl dont understand them easily! LOL!