Friday, August 3, 2007

Prayer with a cause!

The ritual in our families like many other families is to say prayers in the morning. This is instilled at a very young age. My little cousin (now 8 years old) also has this habit. Only one day though we came to know about the particulars.

He never prayed without expecting to have his prayers answered (which I guess is the ultimate approach). One public holiday he was praying. However today he left out certain prayers such as the ones for Goddess Lakshmi. When asked why, he said

"Why do I have to today? Its a public holiday. The stock market will be
Kid's say the darnest things!

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vimal said...

Ya our culture has many rites and rituals which are blindly followed.
some of them makes sense, some we dont know the reasons, some are non-sense.

Actually me and a friend of mine, are planning to develop a website which will list the various rites, rituals etc and describe why actually those are done. You wana be a contributor? If you know the reasons.

vimal said...

rads said...

lol@yopur cousin. Smart Kid! :)

Jolikum Salangai said...

vimal: hmmmm.. i had some sort of the same idea... similiar anyway... right now no time and i dunno how much i knw... so i'll pass it thx... all the best!

rads: yeh i knw! kids r adorable! LOL!