Saturday, August 11, 2007

Four Leaf Clover

The four leaf clover is said to bring luck to people. Yet if you think about it all the four leaf clover is, is a normal clover with a deformity. Yet all other things with deformities of the sort are shunned upon. Imagine if a person had an extra hand. Unless they were God they would be frowned upon, or just looked at as an outsider.

So how is it that a four leaf clover is supposed to bring luck? What makes it so special? Anyhow if the clover actually brings luck if found. Here you go all. By coming to my blog you found one! Wish you good luck!

The reason for this post, we went trekking today and I was looking for a four leaf clover. But couldn't find any! :(


Unknown said...

Naane firstu! :)

Unknown said...

Yeah, u have a point on that 4 leaved clover thingy. eppadi ungalala ippadi yosikka mudiyudhu? ;)

Unknown said...

I have blogrolled u! :)

Jolikum Salangai said...

hahaha... thx very much! i was always told i was a lil unique! ;) hahaha... thx for the blogrolling as well! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comments in my blog. Glad that u cared to notice the 'about me' column.

Jolikum Salangai said...

my pleasure... well blogs are really a sense of people conveying their feelings, thoughts and emotions... so it only makes sense to read the about me!