Saturday, July 7, 2007

Who wants to be a millionaire?!?!?

The text in pink, is the article... The text in the normal colour is the mail from a family member of mine! Just goes to show being a millionaire just requires a little bit of enterprising and nothing more! ;)


Oh ho! Someone has been closely watching me !

Do you all remember my swiftness & deftness in swatting flies (of course how could you forget that class in executing the skill) that you were suggesting that I start a fly-swatting business? (not a business where I would swat flies)

My idea of becoming a Human fly swatting machine has made another man a multi-millionaire.

Read on for today's news...

Making millions from swatting flies

Kung-fu master Hu Shulin has turned a life-long battle against flies and the diseases they carry into a multi-million dollar business.

Mr Hu spends his days literally swatting flies — sometimes up to five at a time — using his lightning-fast reflexes at the Yu Yao meat market in Shanghai in China.

click here to see Mr Hu in action!

When I was about 8 or so, one summer afternoon, when it was always the ripe time for the world's best inventions to spring up on my scientific mind, there I was tired of flies, flies & flies. I thought up an idea. I thought of honey on a piece of paper & when the fly got attracted & sat on and for its treat, it would be neatly transported to heaven by me while it was still immersed in the dizzying nectar. Since I could not lay my hands on honey (as it was not a regular in our pantry), I had to think up of something that would interest the fly as well as hold the fly down sternly. I mixed sugar and glue (though I felt the smell of glue would deter the flies swarming for the concoction) and lay it on a piece of paper. I did end up getting 4 or 5 flies on my sheet of fate.

Not happy simply to conduct a one-man war against this pest, Mr Hu is now making a fortune from the fly slaying machine he designed.

The machine, which was six months in the making, is a slowly rotating tube of sugar and water that attracts the flies at one end and then deposits them into a clear plastic tank.
"It's like a nightclub for flies," said Mr Hu. "They just party themselves to death."
Mr Hu's factory makes 100,000 'Highly Effective Fly Slaying Machines' a year, that are exported to South Korea.

But one thing that I did not do was to hang on to the dead flies.

But this unlikely millionaire isn't about to forget the source of his wealth.
Mr Hu keeps his victims corpses — all 30 million of them— in a large bag in his office.

The credit is entirely Mr Hu's - for the idea of keeping the corpses of the victims.

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